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10. Configuration Tool

armbian-config provides configuration scripts for customizing and automating tasks within the Armbian environment. These scripts help simplify various setup processes and configurations.

10.1 armbian-config Overview

  • System Configuration: Automates system-level settings, including hardware configuration and performance tuning.
  • Network Management: Manages network settings such as IP configuration, Wi-Fi, and other connection options.
  • Localization: Configures timezone, language, and other localization preferences.
  • Software Management: Simplifies software installation and removal.

10.1.1 Compatibility

This tool is tailored for Armbian Linux but has been automatically tested on Debian Bookworm, Ubuntu Jammy, and Ubuntu Noble. It is theoretically compatible with all apt-based Linux distributions.

10.2 Usage

armbian-config provides a simple graphical interface that allows users to configure various system options such as network settings, system updates, hardware configuration, device tree, and service management.

10.2.1 Start armbian-config

To start armbian-config, simply enter the following command in the terminal:

sudo armbian-config

This will launch a text-based menu where users can navigate and make selections using the keyboard.


10.2.2 Menu Options

The main menu of armbian-config includes several configuration options, typically divided into the following sections (specific options may vary by version):

  • System: Alternative kernels, headers, rolling updates, device tree overlay management
  • Storage: Install to internal storage, supports ZFS, NFS, read-only root filesystem
  • Access: Manage SSH daemon options, enable two-factor authentication (2FA)
  • User: Change default shell, adjust MOTD (Message of the Day)
  • Updates: Operating system updates and distribution upgrades

10.3 Example Usage

Backup eMMC System to SD Card

  1. Launch armbian-config:

    sudo armbian-config
  2. From the main menu, select Storage, then choose SY001 - Install to internal storage.

  3. Select Boot from SD card - system on SD card.

  4. You will be asked whether to erase the SD card; select "Yes".

  5. Choose the file system type (ext4, f2fs, btrfs); we choose ext4.

The system will begin installing to the SD card. After installation is complete, reboot the system.


For more detailed information on configuration options, such as kernel, storage, or system backups, refer to the official documentation: Armbian Config User Guide.